Lights! Camera! Acton!

Since the days I was old enough to hold a pen in my hand and draw, I’ve dreamt of one major thing all of my life: I’ve wanted to see my written work translated to the silver screen (or smaller screen.) When I was a kid making up screenplays and recording them onto cassette tape with my friends, I’ve always known I wanted to produce movies and write books.  And although I’ve had some curveballs thrown at me to take me off of the path of my intended dream – I never stopped focusing on that goal.

I’ve always said if not for J&P Productions there would never have been J.Alana Giresi or J&P Media.  And if it wasn’t for the fanfiction that I wrote nearly ten years ago and later produced as a fan-media production, there would have never been The Turn of the Dime, followed by Billy’s Cascade and now Potholes.  Though I’ve always been a producer and entrepreneur in some capacity, I’ve never taken on the original production and brought that to the commercial film industry.

Until now…

I can confirm to you that Potholes is being translated into a screenplay and will be submitted for review to a well-known film studio. It is my hope that the majority of the film will be shot on Long Island.

While there are details that we cannot divulge at this time, we will let you know what they are as each step comes into view.  Potholes was so much fun to write and I’m hoping that the film adaptation will also be just as fun to watch.  As always, I personally thank you for your support.

Edition 2 was just released this past week and is already off to a great start.  To get your copy, please click this link here   I am also pleased to announce that Edition 2 was edited and revised by the fantastic Lorelei Logsdon the author of Comorbid: A Psychological Thriller

In the meantime, check out the trailer to get a partial idea of what the film project may look like.  The trailer was directed and edited by the fantastic Roy Mauritsen.   The voice of Jill Singleton is played by the talented Kristen Nelson who will also be narrating the audiobook version of Potholes which is currently in production through J&P Media.

Hope that you enjoy the trailer and please feel free to leave a comment, subscribe to my home page, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter channels.

Thanks, and as I leave I say….

….See Ya On the Next Vid!




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